This is 13 Types of Vitamins and Functions for Our Bodies

There are many types of vitamins that are good for the body . Various vitamins and functions for our body naturally diverse . Each vitamin has a different function for our body . Vitamins is exactly what was one factor in the health of the body . Vitamin is itself a very important nutrient for the body . Unfortunately , not the same vitamins with minerals that are not easily damaged . Although important vitamin for the body , but including perishable substances when exposed to acid .

Apples benefits and nutritional content

Various vitamins to our body and its function is different . Each vitamin has its own function to the body . The function also has a different role and certainly useful for the body . What are these vitamins ? And what are the functions of the body ?

Here are a few kinds of vitamins to our body and its functions .

Vitamin A
Vitamin A or commonly also known as retinol is a vitamin that has functions very much for the body . Some of the functions of vitamin A in them are ; anti- aging , anti- malarial , increase endurance . Vitamin A is also very beneficial for pregnant women because it can optimize fetal development . Vitamin A itself can be found in oily fish , liver , milk , meat , vegetables , and fruits are colored orange . Result if a person is deficient intake of vitamin A are : cataracts , night blindness , unhealthy skin , and decreased endurance .

Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 also called thiamine . Vitamin B1 is very useful for the body . Several functions for the body of vitamin B1 include: assist the oxidation process in the body the goal is to get energy . Vitamin B1 can be found in the bread , meat , great skin , vegetables , and green beans . While the effect if you are deficient in vitamin B1 is your skin becomes dry and scaly .

Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 also known as Riboflavin . Vitamin B2 serves to maintain the integrity of neural network system and accelerate the transfer of light into the eye nerve stimulation . Vitamin B2 can be found in liver , milk , eggs , and yeast . Lack of vitamin B2 can result in lower resistance and cause various diseases , such as chapped lips , mouth ulcer .

Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 also known as niacin . Its function is to decompose the body for energy from foods and fatty acid synthesis . If a deficiency of vitamin B3 , then the body will result in easy fatigue, insomnia , muscle spasms easy , disturbed digestive system , as well as easy to nausea .

Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5 also known as pantothenic acid . The function of this vitamin is to help facilitate the body 's metabolism in the body . In addition , vitamin B5 can also facilitate carbohydrate , protein , and fat in the body . If a person is deficient in vitamin B5 , will lead to insomnia , emotional distress , experiencing cramps . Vitamin B5 can be obtained by eating green vegetables milk , meat , liver , kidney , and green beans .

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 has another name which pridoksin . This vitamin has a function to the body , among which is able to assist in the digestion of proteins and cellular resipasi . If a person is deficient in vitamin B6 intake can result in muscle cramps , chapped skin , insomnia . This vitamin can be obtained by eating cabbage , potatoes , eggs , and meat .

Vitamin B7
Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin . This vitamin is able to facilitate system function in the body's energy metabolism , lose weight , help treat hair and nails , as well as keeping the sugar levels in the blood . Vitamin B7 can be obtained by eating lots of nuts, wheat , eggs , milk , carrots , cheese , and salmon . Intake of Vitamin B7 Deficiency can lead to disease Hyperesthesia , Deramatitis , Pharesthesia , anemia , impaired heart function , as well as many more .

vitamin B9
Vitamin B9 is known as folic acid . This vitamin works to the formation of red blood cells , the baby's development , DNA repair , optimize brain function , formation of body tissues , and hair growth . Deficiency of this vitamin is able to result in impaired function of the brain , mouth sores , diarrhea , spinal growth . The intake of this vitamin can be obtained by eating sunflower seeds , lettuce , asparagus , beans , watermelon , cantaloupe , spinach , liver , and egg yolks .

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 also known as cobalamin . Very useful in helping the formation of red blood cells , cell division , and acid synthesis . Someone that will lead to a deficiency of vitamin B12 disease anemia and fatigue . Vitamin B12 itself can be obtained by eating foods such as milk , meat , yeast , eggs , and liver , or fermented foods .

Vitamin C
Vitamin further from various kinds of vitamins to our body and its function is vitamin C. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid . Vitamin C is function to lower cholesterol , prevent cancer , prevent heart disease , diabetes mellitus , hypertension , and able to keep the immune system in order to avoid toxic infection . Vitamin C can be obtained by eating citrus fruits shoes and / or tomatoes , as well as various types of vegetables .

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also called cholecalciferol . This vitamin has a function that leads to bones and teeth . The function of vitamin D is to help increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for bones and teeth .

Vitamin E
Vitamin E or commonly also known as tocopherol has a very important role in the reproductive process and prevent lung cancer .

Vitamin K
Vitamin K or commonly also called a coagulation vitamin that functions as blood clotting . In addition , vitamin C also prevents miscarriage .

Well that was all kinds of vitamins and functions for our body . Each vitamin has a different function . Each function has a very important role for the body . That is why it is very necessary vitamins for the body .