10 Easy Tricks to still look Beautiful

To be able to look beautiful it really is not difficult . 10 Consider the following trick , do with discipline , Clink!!! guaranteed and you look more different than usual . GOOD TRY ! !

1 . To get good results , when they wanted to clean the face try using almond or sunflower oil . How, Apply the oil on the face and neck . then rub gently . Let stand for a few minutes and wipe it off with cotton .

2 . When cleaning make-up , do not pull the skin around the eyes too hard . Do it slowly . Remember the skin around the eyes , very thin . Interestingly it hard can cause premature wrinkling .

3 . To keep the eye always looks fresh , cold milk Apply on the eyelids . Use a cotton swab to rub it .

4.For remove dead skin cells and improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the lips , lip massage once a week use a baby toothbrush that has din rubbing baby oil .

5 .Neckline often be overlooked baggian body , either when cleaning your face or give moisturizer and antiaging . Whereas the first part of the neck is most susceptible to wrinkling . Therefore , you should never forget to clean the neck and give antiaging .

6 . If you want to sleep well , avoid foods that contain protein after 18.00 . Better to eat the night before at 19:00

7 .To get rid of dark circles around the eyes , use concelear , select a matching color or younger level . The easiest way is to sleep more early , so your eyes get adequate rest periods .

8 .Always keep compact powder in the bag . Although no makeup time , at least sweep powder on the cheeks and forehead Touch ups can be a little appearance . In addition to lip balm or lip gloss is also required to carry goods .

9 . To avoid using a hair blow dryer heat too often . When the hair is still wet comb should use a tenuous . Never use a hair brush hair when wet . At least dry conditions up to 70 % , just use a hairbrush and hair dryer .

10 . Avoid direct sunlight to maintain healthy skin should avoid direct sun , use skin care products that contain SPF . Adjust the level of SPF to your skin needs . If you indulge in the open air (outdoor ) use a sunscreen with a high SPF level , but if you are in the room , not exposed to direct sunlight , use sunscreen with an SPF lower . High SPF levels have a higher oil content is a bad side clog skin pores thus blocking the skin to breathe.

So be careful choosing sunscreens , high SPF levels are not necessarily